23 – 24 November 2023
Kulturverein Salettl – Naufahrtweg 14, 1220 Vienna

In symbiosis with the emc2 project, there are courses held at TU Wien that focus on the historical linear settlements and their development in the context of the urban network with regards to the 15 minute City concept. Specifically, the courses offered this semester focus on the area of Transdanubia, which is the region on the left bank of the Danube in Vienna:

“Core – Ribbon – Mesh: Viennese Villages in Transdanubia”

Design Studio
“Ribbon-Mesh-City: Settlement Structure and Linearity in Transdanubia”

In the Context with these courses, a cooperative workshop took place in the Kulturverein Salettl in Transdanubia on the 23rd and 24th of November. It was designed to serve as a platform for the transfer of knowledge between the students of both courses and international researchers.
On both days, students presented their midterm results and completed workshop assignments.

In the evenings there where lectures on both days, on Thursday Alessandro Araldi from the Université Côte d’Azur gave an input on urban geography and the associated research methods. On friday Sebastian Sattlegger from TU Wien presented his previous projects in Transdanubia.

Title Graphic ©Vanessa Giolai